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Shanghai Morn Electrical Equipment Co.,Ltd.

Social Responsibility Report

I. Protection of Investors' Rights and Interests

1Improve corporate governance and protect shareholders' rights and interests

The development of a standardized corporate governance system is the intrinsic motivation for enterprises to achieve sustainable development. During the reporting period, the Company continued to establish a modern enterprise system in accordance with the requirements of the Company Law, the Securities Law, the Code of Governance for Listed Companies and other relevant laws, rules and regulations, continuously improve the corporate governance structure, standardize the operation of the Company, and establish a systematic and scientific regulatory system based on the Articles of Association, with the Rules of Procedure for the General Meeting of Shareholders, Rules of Procedure for the Board of Directors, Rules of Procedure for the Board of Supervisors, and Rules of Procedure for the General Manager, etc., as its main structure. A systematic and scientific regulation system has been established based on the Articles of Association. It has formed a power check and balance mechanism for decision-making, execution, operation and management, and effective supervision with the general meeting of shareholders, the board of directors, the board of supervisors and the management as the main structure, which has ensured the healthy operation of the company's production and operation and other business activities, and realized the sustainable and healthy development of the company.

2. Fulfill information disclosure obligations and ensure the quality of information disclosure

The Company has formulated the "Information Disclosure Management Measures" in strict accordance with the "Measures for the Administration of Information Disclosure of Listed Companies" of the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the "Rules for Listing of Stocks" of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The Company has formed a set of effective information disclosure control system by controlling the whole process from the basic principles and general provisions of information disclosure, the content of information disclosure, the procedure of information disclosure, the confidentiality measures of information disclosure, and the standing organizations and contact information of information disclosure, and so on. The Company has formed a set of effective information disclosure control system to continuously and standardize information disclosure, and to perform its information disclosure obligations truthfully, accurately, completely, timely and fairly without selective information disclosure and private disclosure, disclosure or leakage of undisclosed material information, intentionally selecting the point of time for disclosure, strengthening or diluting the effect of information disclosure, and ensuring that all shareholders have equal access to information. The designated media for information disclosure are Securities Times, Securities Daily, China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities News and Juchao Information Network.

3. Strengthening communication and actively maintaining investor relations

According to the requirements of China Securities Regulatory Commission and Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the Company earnestly fulfills the obligation of information disclosure of listed companies and protects the right to information of investors. During the reporting period, the Company published 61 announcements and documents in designated newspapers and websites, conveying relevant information on business management, standardized operation and major decisions to investors, providing information for investors to understand the value of the Company and judge the future development of the Company.

During the reporting period, the Company has strengthened the communication and exchange between the Company and investors and potential investors through the shareholders' meeting, interactive platform, investor calls, etc.; communicated and interacted with investors in the form of regular report performance exchange meeting, etc., and effectively done the confidentiality of undisclosed information; and convened the shareholders' meeting by combining on-site meeting and online voting, which facilitates the participation of small and medium-sized investors in the decision-making process.

Second, the protection of employee rights and interests

The Company has always adhered to the fair, just and open employment policy, strictly abided by the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Labor Contracts, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Labor Unions and other laws and regulations, and has set up a relatively complete system of rules and regulations on employment management. When recruiting employees, we sign standardized labor contracts with them on the basis of equal consultation to ensure that the rights and obligations of both parties are equal and to protect the legitimate rights and interests of employees according to the law. The company has established a normal adjustment mechanism to synchronize the growth of employees' salary with the economic benefits of the enterprise, so as to ensure that the employees have room for continuous growth in the company; we insist on commending the employees with outstanding achievements and excellent performance, so as to further stimulate the employees' motivation and innovation ability.

Third-parties, suppliers, customer rights and interests protection

The company adheres to the concept of integrity management, attaches importance to long-term win-win cooperation with suppliers and customers, and in line with the principle of mutual benefit and common development, has established friendly cooperative relations with suppliers and customers, and fully protects the legitimate rights and interests of suppliers and customers.

The company conducts procurement in strict accordance with the contract, pays each supplier on time and in an orderly manner, builds a good supply ecology and maintains the healthy development of the industry, and also formulates relevant internal control systems to eliminate commercial bribery, and controls from the source layer by layer to guarantee the integrity, transparency and fairness of the procurement process.

IV. Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development

At present, the company has passed the third-party certification audit of ISO14000 environmental management system and obtained ISO14000 environmental management system certification. The company strictly implements relevant national environmental protection laws and regulations, is committed to the development of low-carbon economy, clean production, improving and updating environmental protection equipment and facilities, carrying out environmentally friendly raw and auxiliary materials, and actively promoting the harmonious development of the enterprise and the environment; insists on following the principles of strict economy, ecological optimization, economic efficiency, recycling, energy saving, emission reduction, strives for the development of supply with the environment, strengthens the publicity and education, and actively promotes the energy saving We strengthen publicity and education, actively promote new measures and facilities for energy conservation and environmental protection, and insist on the implementation of "energy conservation and consumption reduction, quality improvement and efficiency enhancement" as an important long-term strategy.

The implementation of measures such as improving the production process, increasing equipment efficiency, reducing waste and using efficient lamps and lanterns can reduce the Company's energy consumption and carbon emissions, lower the operating costs of the enterprise, and improve production efficiency and quality. The Company actively cooperates with third parties to lay distributed solar energy and utilize clean energy. In the production process, the company prioritizes the use of low-carbon materials, such as electromagnetic wire coilware will gradually adopt more durable plastic coilware instead of wooden coilware. Through the construction of management systems, strengthen production management and other measures to reduce the use and consumption of energy, in order to improve the utilization of resources; in the daily office environment to actively call on employees to adopt e-reading, saving paper, double-sided printing, as far as possible, paperless office.

V. Outlook

In the future, the Company will continue to improve the management of social responsibility, improve the corporate governance structure and enhance the level of corporate governance while improving the economic benefits of the enterprise, and actively return to shareholders and protect the legitimate rights and interests of employees. At the same time, we will actively participate in social welfare and ecological environmental protection, improve the utilization rate of resources, further strengthen the awareness of social responsibility, improve the construction of social responsibility management system, and better undertake and fulfill our corporate social responsibility in more fields, so as to contribute to the harmonious development of the society, economy and environment.


Shanghai Morn Electrical Equipment Co.,Ltd.


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